Thursday, June 4, 2009

Using HerbaLife

I started using HerbaLife 2 weeks ago and I've decided to blog about it so that I can share it with others. On Day 1 I started religiously taking the Shapeworks products with the intent of losing about 40 pounds and gaining some energy.
My lifestyle is very hectic. I manage the circulation for the Des Moines Register in Boone County, IA and therefore, sometimes I'm required to get up around 2:30 in the morning to cover routes. Usually when I do this I don't get back to sleep or if I do it is for short brief periods. I have 2 small kids that I stay at home with and they keep me active during the day. Sometimes I'm fortunate enough to be able to lay down with them and take an afternoon nap but this doesn't always happen! So by the end of the day I would be tired and exhausted and feel horrible. I would hardly get anything else done around the house and I felt horrible.
So Day 1 started. I took the products and immediately I began to feel better. I had energy during the day, I felt rejuvenated and most importantly I wasn't tired and exhausted all the time!!! I am so pumped at how I feel while on these products! And most importantly they are all natural and food based so your body absorbs them so much better and faster!
I was so pumped at how I felt that I started my husband on them as well. He's feeling great and losing weight as well. Now we are both avid believers in the way that these products make us feel. Since I love the way this has changed my life in such the short time period I decided to start selling them myself! And that is going great. I can tell others how it has changed my life and made me feel better that I want that for anyone seeking these results. So far I have lost 4 lbs without much additional effort. I don't have time right now to work out and I'm not watching what I eat, these products just make it so you cut back on what you eat and you are supplying your body with the good and healthy nutrients that it needs.
I will continue to blog my progress as we continue on this battle of weight loss!

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